
圖書館迎新活動最後衝一波~~開放舊生加入尋寶集章行列唷 !!!!


  1. 【這Young探險就對了】圖書館尋寶活動「即日起」開放舊生參加!在圖書館官方LINE中輸入「尋寶集章」,並完成任務就有機會獲得Sony耳機、小米行動電源等多項好禮!Join the library's official Line account, enter "Treasure", and complete all the stages. After completing the chat and obtaining a book loan receipt on the same day, present them at the counter for verification, then place them into the raffle box for a chance to win a treasure hunt prize.
  2. 【這Young答就對了】線上資源大考驗→動動手指,拍立得、多功能料理鍋讓你帶回家!
  3. 【這Young問就對了】學科指導教授諮詢活動→線上/現場諮詢,抽全聯/哈根達斯冰淇淋禮券!

不要錯過把豐富大獎帶回家的機會囉! 動動你的手指,趕快參加活動去~